Before you start with the implementation of your own internet site, you should figure out what do you want to achieve with a presence in the web. Be aware that the internet is a open minded medium and all published informations are used as public domain. Their are special techniques to present information but make it scure for copying (e.g. by java code, jpg pictures or pdf files).
The coarse target of an internet presence are:
Simple internet presence (Web visiting card) |
Detailed internet presence |
Simple internet business |
Real internet business |
Exclusive internet business |
E-commerce |
You present on one page your information in your site. These pages should contain also information how to contact the site owner. The possibility to cantact you by an internet address, shows that you are open minded to communicate and to be open for feedback. If you want to realise a company homepage, it is important to name your postal addresses. This informs potential costumers how to communicate with your company. Be aware of the internet as a fast living media and the users expect short reaction times. This can mean to change of business processes and organisation structures in your company. | Example: A retailer publishs his e-mail address to give costumers the opportunity to get in touch and to recieve inquiries. These mails have to be read periodically and the inquiries have to be treated on time. |
You present on several pages your intormations in your site. With the number of pages and the growthing scope of information increases the expenditure of maintance and updating. In case the site is a company homepage, changes of business processes and organisation structures will follow. Perhaps I can give you some advise. | Example: A retailer publishs pages concerning current offers. Resulting inquiries have to be read periodically and to be treated on time. In the casethe offers are not current any more, the pages have to be updated. |
If you want to make your businesses with your site, you should think about your business processes. You have to react much faster, if costumers order your products or your services via internet. To stay in tough via internet, a working company needs different procedures to tread inquiries and orders. These inquiry and order procedures have to be integrated into the existing business processes. Therefore adaptions and changes of existing business processes and organisational structures within a company will be necessary. Perhaps I am able to help you. | Example: A retailer has a range of goods, he wants to sell via internet. Therefore, he has to check his e-mail in-box several times at a day to confirm the receipt of inquiries and orders. The inquiries have to be answered immediately. The orders have to be completed for forwarding and have to be send as soon as possible. In case goods are out of stock and new goods can not be delivered current, the offer has to be taken from the internet pages. If he does not pay attention to this, he will annoy costumers and he will loose them shurely. In case you lost a costumer, it is more difficult to get him or her back as to gain a new one. |
If you want to extend your business with your site, you have to plan and implement your internet presence along making changes within your company. In case you or your employees do not have the needed know-how, keep professionals busy to build up your internet business. Otherwise, your business will not be boosted and will cause unnecessary high costs. Perhaps I can help you: contact me! | Example: A retailer sells his goods via internet. The goods are kept on stock. The inquiries and orders of the internet costumers will be tread immediately after receipt. Therefore the paying e.g. by credit card should be possible as well. After the forewarding of the goods the manufacturer's order has to be started. This is important for goods which has long delivery times and / or are odd pieces (e.g. handmade articles). |
If you want to make your business via internet exclusively, the effects for your conventional company will be extraordirnary for your business processes and organisational structures. Even if you want to establish a new business via internet, you have to plan your internet site and the belongings to organisational structures exactly. In this case, I recommend to make use of professionals as well. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need further imformation. | Example: A company likes to make business via internet. All parts of the company e.g. sales, procurement, managing of goods have to fulfil IT-related requirements. Depending on the market area, the company has to take care of business times. E.g. the company acts on the Europeen market, you have to be pay attention for the three to four time zones. In the US this is most common. |
This is the purest form of your business transactions via the web. Therefore you need espessially professional support. Above all you want to establish e-business at your existing company. The effect on your business processes and organisational structures will be far-reaching. The most of responsible persons of a company hardly know this catchword. Especially in this case, you need professional assistance to take on the challenge of future. Feel free to contact me if you need more information. |
Last update: 09/18/2002 |
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