You do not need an own internet server to protect your personal internet name. For a simple internet presence you have different possibilities to establish a internet domain. For this purpose serval providers* offer there services to enable you to get your own internet presence. |
With the choice of a domain provider you have to take care of the costs and the term of contract. Be sure that your wished expression for your domain is registered with your name. E.g. DENIC gives you information of all german domain and who are registered on them. There are providers who register your domain with their your names. In this case, the name is your own protected one. With the exception, it is contracted that the name is protected for you. Otherwise, your domain name is register with the name of the provider. In this case, if you want change the provider, you cannot take the domain name with you. Therefore make sure that the domain name is your property and not of the provider. |
Depending on the targets you pursue with your internet presence, choose a provider that ensures you the registration of search words in most common search engines and information providers. This is important if your site is new at the web and the domain name is not known. With the choice of search words, you should be as common as possible and as exactly as necessary. That sounds difficult and depending of the informations of your site it could be a hard job. E.g. for company homepages you choose business specific expressions. In this case, take care if you want to inform costumers, employees or business partners (B2C, B2E or B2B). |
With the setting up of your domain you have to take care how many storage your site will need. Some providers have limitations on storage or calculate their prices on the storage you need for your site. In this connection the number of e-mail addresses are limited as well, because the internet traffic has limitations, if a provider's server has a lot of domains. It is a good thing to have a curtain amount of e-mail addresses. E.g. concerning companies which are spreaded allover the country it is impressive, if different persons to turn to have the same domain name in their e-mail address ( in New York, in Detroit, in Los Angeles, etc.). For the costumer the company seems to be local resp. in one location. |
Last update: 09/18/2002 |
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